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GMCKS Pranic Healing Camp.
GMCKS Twin Hearts Meditation

Pranic Healing

A Pranic Treatment a day keeps one Healthy.

Character Building

Character Building plays vital role for good health.


Patanjali’s hatha yoga keeps the physical body strong


Twin Hearts Meditation makes us Healthy

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

The Great One, who Rediscovered Pranic Healing & Spread it to whole World, With a Vision and Mission of HEAVEN ON EARTH.7 Million People Around the Globe Experienced Heaven in Life.


GMCKS Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing is an Ancient Art, Skill and Science working on Principles of Law of Self Recovery and Law of Life Energy (Prana). It Is Applied on Aura & Chakras for Regeneration, Rejuvenation, Revitalization, Relaxation of Human Body, Mind & Soul without touch & medicine . Physical, Verbal, Mental, Emotional, Psychological, Karmical Ailments Healing Solutions Will be Provided. Regular Practitioners can see Significant Results in Life. This Ground Breaking work is now Practiced at hospitals, clinics and healing Centre in over 80 Countries around the world.

those who are undergoing Pranic Healing Treatment please do Follow these Simple Instructions.

GMCKS Twin Hearts Meditation

Illumination Technique or Meditation on Twin Hearts is a technique  aimed at achieving cosmic Consciousness or illumination. It is Also a form Service to the world because the world is harmonized to a certain degree through the blessing of the entire earth with Loving – Kindness.

It is Based on the principle that some of the major chakras are entry points or gateways to certain levels or horizons of consciousness. To Achieve Illumation or Cosmic Conciousness, it necessary to sufficiently activate them.

When a person does Twin Hearts Meditation, Divine Energy Flows down to the practitioner filling him/her with divine light, love and power. The Practitioner becomes channel of this Divine Energy.

– GMCKS in The Ancient Science and art of Pranic Healing. Page 270-281.

 we outstand!

Why Choose US

Pranic Healing the techniques thought are experimented by every individual during the workshops. Only when one believes it one can practice it. Every technique will proven by Universal Laws. 
GMCKS is very particular about it.

Easy to Understand

It can be Practiced by even a simple Layman & 16 year old youngster.


Every Urban and semi Urban cities has Numerous WPHF pranic Healing centers.

Faster Results

Compared to other alternative therapies Significant results seen in less time.


Can be Applied on every living and non living things. Humans, Plants, trees, Animals, Utensils.

Easy To Practice

Only 30 mins a day of Practice can keep one very health & long Living.

Most Powerful

Though very easy to Practice the techniques thought are very powerful, with rapid fast results.

Very Advanced

Highly advanced technology taught is said to be practiced by Highly advanced Souls.

Wide Range Benefits

Can be applied on all Physical, Mental, Emotional, Karmical, Spiritual, Psychological Issues .


Camps Guide

GMCKS  Pranic Healing is an ocean.  To Understand it is easy, but not very easy. One has to travel the path. The camps will give a better idea on what one can become proficient in, with intense one-pointed regular practice of Pranic Healing.

Pranic Healing

Minor Ailments to Major, Chronic, acute disorders of Physical, Mental, Emotional, Psychological, Psychical & Karmical.

  • For Good Health.
  • For Protection & Shields.
  • For Preventive Healing.
  • For Healthy Aura & Chakras.
  • Bridge to Spirituality.


A path of Paramhansa/Arhat/Prophet, for Enlightenment and caseation of cyles of life & death.

  • For Overall Wellness.
  • For Higher Spiritual Faculty.
  • For Clairvoyance.
  • For deeper understanding many mistook concepts & Bhramagyana

Physical Exercises

Expels out Toxins and Strengthens the Aura

  • Free From toxins.
  • Free From Energy blocks.
  • Free From Stress
  • Free From Thoughts
  • Free From Emotions. Repeat For long Lasting Results.


We are grateful for our valuable clients for providing us great honest testimonials 


Thanks a lot Divya for giving wonderful in sight about pranic healing. Feeling light and good after receiving healing Thank you Thank you Thank You



Deep Gratitude Divya for the healing ... Feeling peaceful and energetic..🙏❤️Atma Namaste..



Thank u so much Divya for wonderful healing session



Deep Gratitude and Thanks a lot, Divya Mam for giving wonderful healing session Feeling light, peaceful and energetic. Thank You So Much Mam and all Who is behind this in organizing


Instructions to Register

  1. Pranic Healing Camp all ages are allowed. Twin Hearts Meditation Camp only above 10 years are allowed.
  2. Healing will be given for Inner Peace and Stillness only. Recovery period of every Ailment varies from person to person and karma the person Holds.  (1 hour to 3 years)
  3. Separate Registrations for each Member Necessary.  Children and unemployed register with permission from Parents. One of your Parents should be present with you. Else Registration will be cancelled any time.
  4. If entire Family is Applying please mention. Presence of each family Member registered is mandatory.
  5. Please Mention If you have any Severe Ailments. The Healing for Severe ailments will not be given.
  6. Medical Reports and Medical History Mandatory.
  7. During Healing Session make sure the MOBILES ARE SWITCHED OFF.
  8. . Ensure your faith and believe in Ancient Esoteric Healing Systems. this has nothing to do with faith in God or Guru or Healer. Faith in Universal Healing power is all what needed.
  9. Be Respectful with your Communications. Request male candidates not to take any advantage with Female Healers. Misbehaving with Healers be it Male or Female leads to Huge Karmic Consequences. If Pranic Healer is quiet powerful the boomerang effect of karma will be Immediate Fast & Rapid cannot be healed for minimum for 100 incarnations.
  10. In one session – There will be Intro + Respective Session.  
  11. Those who are attending Healing & Meditation camps. Do Get the Kits you received while Healing Camp.
  12. While Healing is Going on We will Play Healing affirmations.
  13. Participants are expected to listen to same and Experience inner self on what is happening within during Healing. Take it as a Good time to self introspect. Spending Time with One’s being is very important.

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Before registering please block your dates. Ensure your Physical Presence.
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